My Wee Little Collage Tree
Reading Time: 3 minutes 12″ x 12″Japanese Paper & Acrylic on Canvas As already established in the post about the painting I hate, I learned a while ago how much I like to tear paper like a happy hamster. …
Reading Time: 3 minutes 12″ x 12″Japanese Paper & Acrylic on Canvas As already established in the post about the painting I hate, I learned a while ago how much I like to tear paper like a happy hamster. …
Reading Time: 9 minutes I have had the privilege of being able to occasionally see an acupuncturist. She is a lovely human and frequently talks to me about my angry, stagnant liver. I imagine this cess-pool of unmoving Qi …
Reading Time: 8 minutes There is probably very little I can tell any of you about productivity as a “goal” or “set of habits” that you cannot learn from the wealth of literature, talks, and courses already available. I …
Reading Time: 5 minutes So, lately, every time I tuck into one of my fiction projects, I have an overwhelming urge to make all the characters go into self-isolation due to a global pandemic. From their different worlds and …
Reading Time: 14 minutes The first cat to ever claim me as his own found me in a ground floor, one bedroom suite with a roommate and her cat: young, tuxedo, super long-haired (the cat, not the roommate). We …